
~ It's all about how you feel and see yourself ~

So, have you heard the saying: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? And, have you ever wondered whether or not that phrase is accurate? I do not know about you, but whenever I hear that phrase, I think to myself, is it really in the eye of the beholder? Considering what I have heard, learned and live with in most of my adult life, beauty is not always appreciated by the “beholder”. It is often criticize or in most cases ridiculed. I mean you cannot turn on the television or a social app or open a newspaper without coming in contact with some sort of negative comment about someone’s beauty.

Often times, the “beholder” does not think that your face is the right shape, or the right color, or your lips are full enough, or they are too big. Also, they often just don't like you, or your personality. Therefore, I challenge you to think a bit more about that phrase. What if the person who is looking at you doesn't think of your beauty the same way as you do? Then what?

So again, is it really in the eye of the beholder? In all honesty, who am I? Or anyone else, for that matter to question or to describe the way you look or should look? But, what if we all look at each other with more compassion and appreciation? What if we show more love than critique?

In this issue of the Positive Vine, I am challenging all of my readers to look at everyone in the most optimistic way possible way.

Look at someone the way they view themselves in the most encouraging light imaginable. Be the positive they know, even if they do not see the positive in their beauty. Because let us face it – we all have those moments However, it does not warrant a criticism from you or me. Instead, I want you to elevate that person in whatever way they may feel is the weakest point or part, period.

Because if you love the weakest aspect about them or you, that part becomes just as strong as the rest. And so, that's why I'm starting with myself. I love everything about me. If you ask me, I’ll tell you that I am the most beautiful woman you would ever meet. I am supportive, encouraging, honest and most of all, one of the most caring and loyal person you will ever come across. But in all my beauty, the one thing that I do not like about myself is the ultimate weight of procrastination. Which, by the way, is totally to be blamed for me not putting up an article every month as I had fully intended to do since I started this blog. With that being said, beginning this month and every month thereafter, I will have a new article. Because, this beautiful gem, (me of course), has decided to cherish her own beauty in the most positive sense. So there is the challenge people. Behold yours and others beauty with love and positivity.