Your Personality

Some people are fortunate to know what personality they have; which includes whether they are introvert or extrovert. Those people always seem to know what their strengths and weaknesses are. But for some of us who do not know what our personalities are, I am here to help. Keep reading.

Knowing who you truely are, what your character traits are, can be very beneficial in aiding you make several decisions ranging from minimal to life threating. Yes, I said it. Trust me, keep reading.
I came across this site, 16 Personalities.

It was very easy and simple. All you need to do is answer the questions as accurately as you can, no overthinking in this one, {wink, wink}. I learned that I am a "ENFJ".

This is a screenshot of my personality ( 
Once you find out what your personality type is, you can use this to your advantage by strengthening your weak points, and amplifying your strengths.

So whether you knew your what your personality was or not, there is something I am sure, you will learn from this test.