Mind Over Body

Someone once asked me: what do I think it would be like if the body controlled the mind? What would the outcome be? Would one succeed in the majority of attempted goals or projects? Would time be of the essence? Or better yet, would you allow your body to dictate your every move? What if, perhaps the body was the determinant of a person’s strength or endurance? Just, what if?

And so this is how I feel about the above. But first allow me to give an example:  say you love track and field, but you broke your leg or sprung your ankle, and that particular sport seems undoable right now. Then what? If you relied completely on your body, then that is the end to your love for sports (in terms of actually participating). Sure there are other technologies that can be used to help you get back to doing track and field, but that would take the mind to be in control to succeed. That is one of the reasons why I am glad that the Mind is Over the Body.

 This post today, is to encourage all of you about paying attention to your mind. The MINDSET of a person is very powerful. It can make possible what the body deems impossible. The mind is a beautiful thing. It shows you what you can achieve, then sends messages to the body in all aspects, whispering powerful words of “can do” spirits till the job or goal is accomplished. 

 An example of this is: Someone who is going through so much stress (divorce, sick child, underemployed), but yet that individual looks like they have it all together. The fact is, it is their mindset. They have refused to give up, refused to let their body dictate their outcome. And so as the result, there struggles have actually strengthened them for the better.

 Your mind is what takes your past and processes it into a fruitful future. It takes the lessons learned of yesterday to teach you the strengths of today, so that you can reap the fruits of tomorrow. The reality is that we all have our own problems, trials and tribulations that we face. But once we realize that we do have the mental strength and conditioning to press on, the world seems much more conquerable.

 There are winners of obstacles and losers of tests. Pick which team you want to be on (hopefully you chose the winners of obstacles). Then commit to your success, no matter how immeasurable it may be. You are your own coach and critic. The words that you speak from your mind will gather every strength in your body to get you moving toward accomplishing your goals. 

 If you do not take anything from this post today, I urge you, please remember this: 

A stagnant car is useless. However, a car that is being driving has unlimited potential of destinations. The same is true of the body. What gets it moving is the mind, and not utilizing the full potential of the mind is quite wasteful. So, open and use your mind to unleash the infinities of possibilities.