See Yourself through It

Have you ever gotten so excited about getting started on a goal, or a project, or any other thing that you want to undertake, and then begin to panic because of doubt? You start to discredit yourself before you even begin. Your confidence level drops from 100 to 20, or lower. And then all sorts of thoughts begin to run through your mind. Thoughts like; what was I thinking? There is no way I could pull that off. I must be out of my mind. Oh and yes, how about this: What will others think? They must think I am a fool to do this!

Yep. We have all been there, at one point or another in our lives. But you can turn that around into a form of learning, instead. I like to look for the educational curve in everything; negative or positive. And so, beginning today, we are going to learn from what we went through in the past handling doubts and fears as it pertains to accomplishing a goal. And as we say in Africa, “If you pay attention to the noise in the market, you will not buy your food”. As it relates to this article, the distractions of course will be the doubts, fears and the unexpected.
Therefore, I have put together these two simple steps to see you through your goals:


The most important thing to remember in this step is the reason behind your goal. Why do you want to accomplish this particular aim? What do you stand to gain? Is it as the result of a personal growth? Professional growth? Whatever your goal may be, make sure you have a purpose as it will be your driving force to see it through.

Sure there will be doubts, fears and the unexpected. However, use your doubts as fuel: If you feel like you cannot do it; think “I know I’m going to be great at this”. Having fears of the unexpected? No problem; simply have plan A, B and C in place to pick up where the previous leaves you. This gives you the comfort of knowing that you have plans in place…just in case, because you are on a mission.


Now that you know why you want to work on this goal, let’s now establish what we stand to gain. How will that benefit you? When working on this step, picture “commitment”. Webster defines commitment as … working very hard to do or support something. In this step, you will put together a plan, and stick to what it takes to accomplish your goals. Remember the times you starting to doubt yourself, or fear? Well, in this step, we are using those as a symbol for the light at the end of the tunnel. If you can foresee the outcome of a project, you stand a greater chance in being committed to it. What will it take? What do you need: budget, time, products, events, or and a team? Use the connections you have, or just pull on the barrel of strength you have in there and see it to the end.

Once you have done so, you will arrive at destination “benefit”. Yep, I made the destination up. However, the fact remains, you focused on your purpose and saw it to fulfillment. You my dear, have ignored the noise in the market and gotten what you went for. You have learned not to fear, or doubt or fear the unexpected, but rather, overcome them all and in the process accomplish your goal (s).


(n.d.). Retrieved from