Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to read my post on the subject
above. Today, I have decided to focus my writing on building confidence. As you
have heard or experience, confidence is one of those things that we are told:
“you either have it or you don’t”. Well, you can take that as it is or you can
change that mentality into a positive for you.
I am an
optimist at heart, I have to look at the glass half full. Sure I have not
always been that way, but life lessons/experiences from my life and others
around me, have rooted me into such. Therefore, I always find myself looking at
the bright side of just about
anything. And anything is possible if
you incorporate what I like to call “The Powerful Es – encourage, enable and
You have
to become your own cheerleader, your own coach and your own liberator. It is
necessary at times to do just that. Not everyone has a shoulder to lean on. You
have to do it yourself. And there may be times when you feel so depleted, so
down and perhaps, just down right ready to give up. But you must not. It is absolutely OKAY to fall, just get back up, and
yourself is not easy at all. That is where the cheerleader in you comes to
play. Whenever you feel that you cannot do it, imagine yourself at the finish
line. Whatever goal it is that you are working on, whether it is school, weight
loss, business or something as simple as a writing a goal -
close your eyes and picture the end results. For example:
School Exams =
Passing Grade
Weight Loss =
Feeling Healthy
Business Growth =
Daily Goals = Time
step is to enable yourself to finish what you have started. What tools do you
need? What plans do you need to put in place? Put together any and everything
that you need to succeed on your journey. Building one’s confidence is the
foundation to continual accomplishments on all levels. Remember this, a strong
foundation cannot be easily shaken. So do all you can to make sure it is
unbreakable…at least. Keep telling yourself this “I got this. I can do it. I am
doing it. I must do it.” Let’s continue with the examples given above:
School Exams =
Studying Tools
Weight Loss = Exercise/Eat
Business Growth = Marketing
Daily Goals = Organizations
last and final step in this process is to empower yourself. This literally means that you are giving
yourself the authority to take over your journey. This takes patience,
persistence and most importantly, a “must do” spirit. This is easier said than
done, but it must be done in order to
accomplish your mission on building your confidence. Once again, the previous
School Exams =
Allocate and use time to study.
Weight Loss =
Physically exercise and literally eat right.
Business Growth = Initiate
new marketing strategies and put into action.
Daily Goals = Set time
aside to write down your goals and actually utilize the plan.